Friday 10 July 2020

नज़्म : उसके एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

नज़्म : उसके एक दीवाने हम भी हैं


इक दीवानी लड़की है जो खुद में खोई रहती है
उसकी इस मासूम अदा के एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

उस दीवानी लड़की के हुश्न पे जाने कितने फिदा हुए
उस दीवानी को क्या मालूम एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

काजल उसकी आँखों का नूर बढ़ाता रहता है
उसकी कजरारी आँखों के एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

कान का झुमका जो उसके काँधों को छूकर ठहर गया
उस झुमके की इस हरक़त के एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

(छायाचित्र: स्वयं हमारे द्वारा)

जुल्फें बँधी हैं, लट बिखरी हैं, उड़ के गाल को छूती हैं
इन उड़ती लटों की गुस्ताख़ी के एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

रूई सा नरम, फूल सा नाज़ुक, मखमल जैसी जिसकी छुवन
कौन नहीं दीवाना होगा? एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

घर में कैद है हर इक बुलबुल अब मैं किसकी बात करूँ
जाके कोई सय्याद से कह दे एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

रात गयी फिर दिन चढ़ आया शाम ढ़ली फिर रात हुई
खत्म न जिसके चर्चे उसके एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

©नितिन चौरसिया

सम्पादन: गुड्डू 

Sunday 3 May 2020

Playing Defensive (Lockdown Pt.II)

Hello friends, 

Now the Lockdown period has been extended for two more weeks and this will last till May 17, 2020; the so-called phase 3.0 of Lockdown.

In my previous post '21 Lessons for a Happy Life (Lockdown Pt.I)’ I have shared some thoughts that you may have already read or heard various times but rarely followed.

As the Lockdown is again extended by the Government, it is obvious that the emergency health condition arises due to COVID-19 is still a fear for the mass. The news channels and the WhatsApp forwards have already intimated us about the situation. Some of them are true and some are fake but still this is not the right time to debate upon what has been done till date and what could be done at that time? The time demands a discussion on how we can manage the situation and what steps could be taken by the District Administration to stop further spread of the virus? Every person has to become responsible for the life of their own and their loved one’s.

There are a number of negative news filled in the surroundings and we have to maintain our physical as well as mental health. Many of us have lost their job, many have witnessed a pay-cut, many have seen the unfortunate situations they were not prepared for! In such a time of crisis, it becomes very important to remember our privileges and to be happy with whatsoever we have in life. The thought like ‘the kind of life I am enjoying today is my privilege because I have seen so many people who could not afford this too’ is the ray of hope.

Our lifestyle has been changed. We are eating homemade food without complain. Sharing dishes as the most precious thing in this world. Hygiene habits have been changed impromptu. We are enjoying a lot with friends, family and acquaintances. Some may have not found one or more of these privileges. Work from home has been emerged as a rescue for most of the companies/businesses. E-commerce and home delivery have seen a wide impact yet they have managed to deliver essentials. Online gaming has seen rapid boom. Online education is emerged as a widely accepted method to teach. Even for those who have never thought of themselves delivering a lecture online from home or taking a lecture online at home. Social gatherings have disappeared from life. Social distancing is becoming a norm. Agriculture sector is seeing the widest implementation of technology. And many more…

In the mean time we should envy with ourselves and learn many more skills that we could. I am very sure that if you are reading this, you have at least an uninterrupted internet connection. Make use of that to excel in the art of what you were doing before Lockdown. Develop new effective and efficient ways of carrying out those old tasks. You should be fearful of losing the skill you have acquired by practicing in those days. Doing nothing in this period will take you back. At this moment, there is no other than you can motivate, help, support and console you. Be sure that this will end sooner or later. Your skills will be required. You will again contribute in building the nation. This time may be better than previous one!


Tuesday 21 April 2020

जो तुम नहीं हो...

जो तुम नहीं हो तो कट रही हैं
उदास दिन और उदास रातें 


कभी मुसलसल पुराने किस्से
तमाम लम्हे तमाम बातें
जो साथ थे तब किये थे हमने
तमाम कसमें तमाम वायदे

के दिन का चढ़ना औ' दिन का ढ़लना
के रात चादर में मुँह को ढ़कना
कोई न देखे कि बह चले हैं
तमाम झरने तमाम नदियाँ

जो आँख मीचे पलक उठाये
न देख पाये तुम्हारी सूरत
यक़ीन मानो कैसे गुजरी
उदास सुबहें उदास शामें 

के चल रहे थे दो जिस्म जब तक
वक़्त का उनको गुमां भी न था
जो तुम नहीं हो तो कट रही हैं
उदास दिन और उदास रातें


Tuesday 14 April 2020

21 Lessons for a Happy Life (Lockdown Pt.I)

Hello friends,

Today, 21 Days of Lockdown in the whole nation have been completed and Hon’ble Prime Minister has declared the extension in the Lockdown period till May 03, 2020.

I have prepared a set of 21 Lessons that I want to share with you all.

Lesson 1: Love Yourself
You are the best at what role you have been assigned. Love yourself. Not only physical features but also the character and the behaviour of yourself, mental aptitude, surroundings, situations you have faced till date and will enjoy to face few more in life.
Remember. No one can replace you in this Earth. There may be options but not You. Play your role significantly and try to make a difference while playing your character in this mortal world.

Lesson 2: Embrace the Change
Nothing except change is permanent. Be flexible and adaptive. Embrace the change. Make yourself to get out of the box and learn new things every now and then.
Remember. Those who can adapt the change will survive more than those who cannot.

Lesson 3: Health is Wealth
Nothing is important than your health. Be it physical or mental. Never let any thought, word or idea be the reason of your deteriorating health. Happiness leads to the good health.

Lesson 4: Read Thoroughly
Many times, we read in such a hurry that we recognize the words on the basis of our mental thoughts rather than what is inscribed. While reading anything, be attentive to make it sure that you have read the right word.

Lesson 5: Listen Carefully
Listening is one of the most difficult tasks. It requires a lot of practice. Listening to others is important to generate ideas for logical thinking and decision making.

Lesson 6: Think Rationally
Thinking requires a lot of attention and knowledge. While thinking on any subject one should consider all possible aspects and then only make up their mind. In the wake of circulation of fakes, always verify the source of the information.

Lesson 7: Learn Continuously
Learning is a continuous process. Let it flow. Learn not only from teachers and others you follow but also from the experiences of others whom you might not know. Apart from the keeping an eye on the new changes, going through the history and reading about historical events may also help in the process of learning.

Lesson 8: Make Your Opinion (don’t conclude too early)
Develop your opinion through the facts and information you have gained by reading, listening, and thinking. Half baked information can do much harm to your opinion than other factors. Make your opinion but do not conclude. Don’t stereotype.

Lesson 9: Money Matters
Money is also a primary requirement because none of the three essential requirements can be fulfilled without money. Money matters. Make savings for yourself. Hard times don’t inform.

Lesson 10: Give a Helping Hand
If you are capable enough to help others then give a helping hand to others with no desire to get a return or any discrimination. Yes, this is your investment that counts upon Humanity.

Lesson 11: Engage Yourself
Do not let your mind lead you. Neither let the heart alone to lead. Engage yourself in those kinds of work that adds value to your life. Enrichment of one’s persona should be the goal of any activity.

Lesson 12: Develop a Set of Skills
In the world full of opportunities, develop skills to grab one. Here it is not essential to develop more than on skill but one should try to gain as more skills as they could. These skills along with the proper knowledge let you be free.

Lesson 13: Work Hard (Stop Daydreaming)
Rome is not built in a day. Everyone has some dreams. You should work hard in the right direction to achieve those dreams. Day dreaming never give you the opportunity to attain what you desire.

Lesson 14: Live Today; Show-off Later
In the flash of day, don’t waste the moment. Now-a-days, we try to capture every moment for memory as well as for show-off to others instead of enjoying it. We should not forget that the memories engraved on heart is permanent.

Lesson 15: Know Your Neighbour
We have stopped the idea of interacting with our neighbours. This is because more interference and jealousy that comes by time among every person. We should know our neighbourhood. But do not run into the privacy or personal matters.

Lesson 16: We all are Connected
We are not at the same place but today we all are more connected than ever. We should think upon the fact that the bond between the person loses its affinity after a long silence. We should keep our time for each and every person who has contributed in our life. Communication should never be stopped.

Lesson 17: Trust is the Key
Doesn’t matter what is the relation between the two people, being trusted and being able to trust someone are the amazing feeling. Trust is the key in any relation. It takes time to develop but can be lost easily.

Lesson 18: Manage Your Time
The busy person is one who gives time to every person that matters to him. You may be disagreeing with this definition. Have you ever thought that you get time for each of them whom you consider important in your life irrespective of the hectic schedules? Then why you cannot give time to those who consider the same for you? Manage your time accordingly.

Lesson 19: Let it Go
Past guides, Present fascinates, and Future enthralls. So, don’t over think and let it go. This is the formula for living the life to the fullest.

Lesson 20: Best is Yet to Come
It is good to see your position and reputation today. But this is not the end. There are many more steps to move ahead. Just keep moving and working to achieve the next best for you because best is always yet to come!

Lesson 21: Believe in Yourself
No other than you know you better. There will be people who judge you on the basis of their perception, belief and knowledge. So, believe in yourself and don’t be a victim of others’ judgement. Don’t forget, there is no other copy of you.


Nitin Chaurasiya

नज़्म : उसके एक दीवाने हम भी हैं

नज़्म : उसके एक दीवाने हम भी हैं ~ इक दीवानी लड़की है जो खुद में खोई रहती है उसकी इस मासूम अदा के एक दीवाने हम भी हैं उस दीवानी लड़की क...